====== random asians ====== ===== Special Setup with Asians on random maps ===== To produce enough wood, renew growing areas of woodcutters and foresters all the time. It’s necessary to save two hammers to play without tool smith. * Small tower towards trees + 5 pioneers towards swamp + swordsmen in all directions * Forester + 2 woodcutter + sawmill * Forester + 2 woodcutter + small residence + sawmill * Forester + 2 woodcutter + second small residence (+5 geologists) * Forester + 2 woodcutter + sawmill * 2 medium residences (+5 geologists) + 2 rice farmer + 2 quarries * Weapon production (iron smelting + weapon smith + barracks + warehouse for arches) * Coal mine + iron mine * 2 quarries * jetty for 40 stones * First farm + third medium residence * Second and third coal mine + second weapon smith * 2 distillery + 2 small temple + large temple (don’t crush it, we need many priests) * Second farm + fourth medium residence + “stone to iron“ * Third weapon smith + set coal supply to iron smelting just over 0% * Waterworks + mill + 2 bakeries * Fourth and fifth coal mine + fifth and sixth medium residence * „Stone to iron“ + fourth weapon smith + residences + iron smelting ===== Rice wine and its effect ===== Rice matures within 10 minutes. One rice farmer produces 1.5 packs of rice per minute. You will reach “level3” within 42 minutes if you have two decent rice farmers starting to work within 15 minutes and a large temple of course. ^ Effect ^ Rice Wine ^ Large Temple ^ Achievement with one rice farmer after min ^ Achievement with two rice farmer after min ^ Special Setup ^ | 1. lvl 2 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 25 | | 1. SzuE | 13 | 4 | 9 | 4 | 28 | | 2. lvl 2 | 16 | 4 | 11 | 5 | 29 | | 2. SzuE | 29 | 8 | 19 | 10 | 33 | | 3. lvl 2 | 31 | 8 | 21 | 10 | 34 | | 3. SzuE | 49 | 13 | 33 | 16 | 40 | | 1. lvl 3 | 56 | 14 | 37 | 19 | 42 | | 4. SzuE | 74 | 19 | 49 | 25 | 48 | | 2. lvl 3 | 86 | 22 | 57 | 29 | 52 | | 3. lvl 3 | 101! | 26 | 67 | 34 | 57 | | 5. SzuE | 104 | 26 | 69 | 35 | 58 | | 6. SzuE | 139 | 35 | 93 | 46 | 70 | | 7. SzuE | 189 | 48 | 126 | 63 | 87 | ===== Fitting the bill ===== **Iron ingots through „stone to iron“:** 4 x 40 stones = 160 iron ingots **Available pig-iron (just from start resources):** (8 meat * 10 baskets per meat + 7 fish * 2 baskets per fish) * 0.6 success rate = 56 pig-iron + 12 (start pig-iron) = 68 baskets pig-iron **Total coal demand:** 74 (distillery) + 68 (iron smelting) + (160 + 68) (weapon smith)–26 (start bread) = 344 baskets of coal **Total bread demand of 60% AVG coal mines:** 344 coals / (10 baskets per bread * 0.6 rate) - 15 (start breads) = 42 breads **Grain demand:** Grain matures in 10 minutes as well. A decent farm produces 1.3 grains per minute. The first farm gathers after 32 minutes, the second after 42 minutes. Together they gather after 53 minutes: (53-32 + 53- 42) * 1.3 = 42 grain units **Number of weapon smiths:** (I: 60-18 + II: 60-22 + III: 60-30 + IV: 60-20) x 1.9 weapons per minute = 232 weapons with four weapon smiths **Soldiers:** Until bread is transferred in weapons it needs a few minutes and we won’t crush our manna production after the fourth „stone to iron“. That’s why we won’t have 230 soldiers + start soldiers after 53 minutes, but after about 60 minutes. If we recruit all the time, 60% of them are level3. //All what you need is swamp, one iron mine und five 60% AVG coal mines. The „Special Setup“ is built after 45 minutes. Well, if you have space and enough resources, you have 15 minutes to build farms, pig farms, bakeries, a tool smith, iron smelting etc. that you don’t depend on “iron to stone” after 60 minutes. I recommend „godly gifts” between the first and the second „stone to iron”. You get bread, coal, weapons or tools. After the fourth „stone to iron” you should use your manna for different spells. Priests will rescue allies with “call for help”, conquer an important tower with „samurai sword“ , liberate a good mine with „snow melting“ und they will bring good time to a Egyptian ally with “plenty fish” and “stone curse”. Asians decide games through perfect team play and precise attacks.// ===== Über diese Seite ===== Author: Suma