====== Settlers 3 League ====== **The [[https://liga.siedler3.net/en|Settlers 3 League]] provides a ranking system for settlers 3 games via the aLobby. On the following pages you will find all information about this system.** * [[Regeln für die Liga|Rules for the League]] * [[Bedingungen für ein Liga-Spiel|Conditions for a league game]] * [[Liga-Zyklus|League-Cycle]] * [[Ablauf eines Liga-Spiels|Sequence of a league game]] * [[Erfassung und Verarbeitung der Spiel-Daten|Collection and processing of game data]] * [[Wertung eines Spiels|Rating of a game]] * [[Strafpunkte|penalty points]] * [[Spiel-Daten einsehen|View game data]] * [[Arten ein Spiel zu beenden|ways to end a game]] * [[Das perfekte Spiel|The perfect game]] * [[Ein Spiel manuell hochladen|Upload a game manually]] * [[Informationen zu Spielen per E-Mail|Information about playing games by e-mail]] * [[Kommentieren von Spielen|Commenting Games]] * [[liga:wunschliste|wish list (German)]] ====== Tournaments ====== * [[Was sind Turniere?|What are tournaments?]] * [[Ablauf eines Turniers|Tournament Schedule]] * [[Der Turnier-Verantwortliche|The person in charge of the tournament]] ===== Insight into development ===== Besides MapBase, the league system is the most functionally comprehensive component for the aLobby. Over several months, the aLobby developers have created various theoretical basics for this and carried out surveys in the community on the basis of which, among other things, the following notes were created. Please note that not all of the properties mentioned here have actually been implemented. * [[https://s3de.siedler3.net/ladder_en/info_calculation.htm|League calculation in original settler 3 Lobby]] * [[liga:konzept_liga_von_zwirni|Concept league of Zwirni (German)]] * [[liga:ratingberechnung_von_zwirni|Rating calculation by Zwirni (German)]]