====== When is a league game not evaluated? ====== **A match shall not be taken into account for the evaluation if at least one of the following conditions applies:** * The game was played by only one team. * At least one player in the game has 0 points at the end of the game. * At least one player name determined from the statistics screenshot does not correspond to any currently valid aLobby account. * At least one player name determined from the statistic screenshot was not logged in to the aLobby in the last 12 hours. * At least one player was an AI ("Computerplayer" / "ComputerOpponent"...). **In the following cases, players of the game as well as community responsible persons can correct errors in the data of the game that have arrived at the settler 3 community server (only max. 3 hours after game end possible, if game not scored yet):** * No winning team could be determined. * This is the case, for example, if a game was aborted without the statistic showing who won. * Team assignments arrived incomplete.