
How can I post a tip for Settlers 3 here myself?



  1. Call up the Wiki as usual:
  2. Click on „Login“ in the top right corner.
  3. Now enter your login data from the aLobby in the login form
    • Pay attention exactly to your nickname and password.
  4. If the login was successful, you will be redirected to the start page of the wiki.
    • From here, go to aLobby > more and then click on „Game Tips“.
    • Or simply call the link here.
  5. Now you can choose the category in which you want to place your text. Call up the desired category or create a new one.

FAQ for editing

I don't see a pen in the upper right-hand corner?

Then you have no editing rights. Please write your request in the Forum, do not contact an administrator directly.