

The Portchecker is a tool within the aLobby with which everyone can check whether the ports important for playing Settlers 3 in multiplayer are enabled. If it is detected that at least 1 port is not as open as it should be, this is displayed. If everything is ok, you can optionally report this result in the chat.

Conditions for use


  1. Start the aLobby as usual and log in.
    • Tip: wait after login until the VPN connection is established.
  2. Go to the settings and there to the tab „General“.
  3. Click on the button „Check Ports“.
    • Now you see this window:
  4. Click on „Start port scan“.
    • Note the hints below
  5. As soon as the port check is finished you will get the result.
  6. After that you can close the window again.

List of successfully checked ports



I get the message "Please log in to the aLobby first" - why?

Note the above conditions for the portchecker and log in to the aLobby.

I get the message "Please stop settler 3 before you do the port check". - Why?

You seem to have started Settler 3. End the game and restart the port check afterwards.

Technical info

ToDo list

The developers will adjust the Portchecker as follows: